Overcoming Obstacles to Creating Video Content

We all know that video content is currently the single most powerful format for informational content, elevating the awareness of one’s brand, and general advertisements. Still, the gap between this knowledge and the ability to produce content consistently can feel more like a vast gulf, particularly for real estate agents who are still actively working to gain a large enough referral network to support their businesses. 

Read on for our top tips on overcoming obstacles to creating video content. Whether you are stuck because of creative blocks, your busy schedule, or your technical abilities, we have suggestions to get you started creating short- or long-form video content consistently throughout 2024 and beyond. 

Overcoming Your Personal Obstacles

So often, we humans find ourselves holding back from taking action because we are worried about embarrassment, failure, push-back, or having to face our lack of knowledge and experience. Are these concerns humming in the back or even the front of your mind when you consider why you have not been creating and sharing video content?

If so, you are far from alone. 

In fact, most people have had to overcome these types of hesitations in any new challenge they choose to take on. 

We encourage you to observe your thoughts as you enter the planning phase for your content creation. When you notice thoughts like these rise to the surface, write them down in a notebook you have set to the side of your work space. 

Then, reply to your own anxieties with answers only when you are in an actively grounded, contemplative mindset. 

For example:

“No one will be interested in the content I post.” 

Reframed: “It may take time for my content to get traction, but I cannot succeed without making a start.”

“I am awkward on camera.”

Reframed: “I can improve my on-screen presence through practice. For now, it’s okay to start by voicing over great footage of my properties.” 

“I don’t have the camera or editing skills required to make great videos.”

Reframed: “I have access to excellent tutorials online in both free and premium formats, and my phone likely has all the video camera features I need. In the meantime, I can hire someone to help me create excellent content, which will give my content every chance of getting a strong start.”

“I fear that I do not have the creativity it will take to consistently create shareable videos.”

Reframed: “Everyone hits creative blocks, but I will find my groove, content format, and favorite type of videos to make once I have been working at it for a while.”

“I am too busy as it is. I will not be able to add this huge project on top of my currently maxed-out workflow.”

Reframed: “Adding video creation, editing, thumbnail creation, optimizing SEO titles, and sharing across social media platforms may be more feasible for me if I can hire help for the first several months. That way, I will be able to get the hang of things and figure out how to dovetail this new project into my existing workflow. If it turns out that I prefer hiring professionals instead of taking this on all by myself, that’s perfectly normal and acceptable. I will find a team I can rely on and enjoy working with.”

“I do not have a clear idea of where to begin as a real estate agent creating video content.”

Reframed: “I can find a mentor who creates the kind of video content that inspires me. Either that real estate agent or their content creation team can be a helpful resource for me as I find my own way. 

I can find out how I can help my mentor in return, or I can hire their team as advisors for a few hours in order to ask questions that will guide me to success.”

“My target market is Millennials, and they tend to be cynical about advertisements, self-promotion, and content that is not fully engaging. This feels like too much of a challenge, even though I know video content is also an excellent method for connecting with my audience.”

Reframed: “My audience is so tuned in to online content that this is the most natural way to reach them. Because of this, though, my content needs to be sincere, honest, and informative. This combination is a surefire way to engage Millennials. They are already looking up informative content every single day; when my content is helpful to them, they will stay tuned for more. Ultimately, great video content will be a huge help to my efforts to close deals with this actively buying demographic.”

The Takeaway

While it’s clear that no new endeavor can be undertaken without facing our fears, it’s also obvious that we must first overcome our own minds before we can take hold of the success that awaits our grasp.

As a real estate agent, it is vital that you take advantage of each opportunity you can find to engage with buyers and sellers through the internet. In fact, that is where you will find the vast majority of sellers today, and soon, there will be nearly zero people who do not reach for technology when they want to research their real estate options.

Either make yourself known through excellent added-value, informative content, or you must accept taking a back seat to those who will do so. We wish each possible success for you, so make 2024 the year you create video content that exponentially expands your reach. 

Parks Realty